birthday car parade

Family Surprises Their Mom With Birthday Car Parade

The family of Dolores, including her future daughter-in-law, planned a surprise car parade for her birthday. It seems that this will be the new normal for birthdays for a while. I was amazed to see how quickly the family came together to make a family member feel special.

It was good to see my family even if it was for a split second. It was so exciting to see the smile on her face. She had no idea so many family members would show up to say Happy Birthday. We debated whether or not to go, but all things considered, I’m glad we went.

Don’t worry, we had our masks on

They were able to keep this surprise a secret for a week even though they created an event on Facebook. I must say from experience, that is hard to do!

This was our first birthday car parade, and we had so much fun. By the way, we were the ones who threw the frisbee out of the car. Unfortunately, we did not rehearse the throw, so it missed the table. We came up with the idea at the last minute, but it made everyone laugh.

We have to remember to laugh during these hard times.

It was cool to see the creative decorations on the vehicles. Some cars had custom banners. They even had a clown at the end of the parade.

Thank you to everyone who made this video possible: Victoria and Manuel who provided some of the photos and videos, Dolores’ children, who planned the event, my daughter, who filmed and edited the video, and all the cousins who showed up for the parade.

Make sure you subscribe to my daughter’s YouTube Channel for more videos.

If you haven’t already, please check out our exhibition page where we post photos of loved ones. Your loved one, could be in our next exhibition, send us your birthday photos and a story (minimum 50 words) in an email at


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